Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Now I can't stop thinking about sheep...

When I first looked at "A Wild Sheep Chase" I was a bit skeptical. For one it was theoretically in the horror category, and I am not a big fan of scary books. But once I got to reading it I was pleasantly surprised. It wasn't scary, and it somehow managed to hold my attention. The book more had the tone of a mystery, adventure book. I kept wondering when they would actually get to the point of the story. I had always wondered in the past why authors don't ever say when the character takes a shower or eats or goes to the bathroom, I guess we assume they do that but why not put it in? After reading this book I found out why no one puts it in, NO ONE CARES! Honestly I feel so much of this story is wasted and dragged on by silly things the author doesn't really need to be explaining. Such as the character drinking a beer then eating peanuts, then ordering another beer, getting the beer and more peanuts, drinking the beer and eating all the peanuts, and repeating this silly cycle. It happens a lot in the book and I found it really just slowed things down and dragged them out more than necessary. At first the book was kinda confusing, it jumped around a bit much. It would go from real life, to flashbacks, to letters, to who knows where, chapter after chapter. But after awhile it settled down and I had a pretty clear idea of what was going on. There were a lot of interesting characters in the book and I thought they were all pretty well developed. The main character was a little odd and despite being in his head I never really understood him. The chauffeur was probably my favorite character he threw in a bit of comic relief and a different twist on the book. Once I got to the end of the book when things started pick up I was just so anxious for something big to happen but there never really was to big of a ta da. I guess it was more of a mental weird twist. I think I would have to reread the book again to fully grasp some of the concepts that are going on. It is definitely an interesting read and something that I wouldn't have normally picked out for myself but I am glad I read it and it will be a book that I will read again in the future.

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